20 Years Root 70


The jazz band Root 70 is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2020 and it puts down this longevity to a whole series of facts. Trombonist Nils Wogram, saxophonist Hayden Chisholm, bassist Matt Penman and drummer Jochen Rueckert form one of the most stable formations in jazz history. With a mixture of soft-bop, micro-tonality and witty rhythms Root 70 has created a unique and distinctive band sound.

We have prepared a box set with all kinds of goodies. The box contains:

8 CDs & 1 LP:

Root 70, Release: 2001

Getting Rooted, Release: 2003  

Fahrvergnügen, Release: 2006

Root 70 on 52nd 1/4 Street, Release: 2007

Listen to your Woman, Release: 2010

Riomar, Release: 2013 (CD & LP)

Wise Men Can Be Wrong, Release: 2015

Luxury Habits, Release: 2017


A photo book of the band history on the road and in the studio, a usb stick with all Root 70 videos and sheet music to all records.



A real must-have and collector`s item for all Root 70 fans and those who are ready to become one.


Physical Box 100 € (+ shipping)



Don`t have paypal? Or in case of any question or problem, please write Imke an email and get in touch with her. She will help you out: mgmt@nwog-records.com



Thank you for your order!

Imke & Nils

nWog Records / 20 Years Root 70