Nils Wogram Nostalgia

Things we like to hear

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2018 / nwog 027


Nils Wogram

Dejan Tersić

Arno Krijger

To touch or to impress – that is the question. And the only question that counts on Things We Like To Hear, the fifth album of Nils Wogram’s trio Nostalgia. Trombonist Nils Wogram, drummer Dejan Tersić and organist Arno Krijger make it easy for the listener. With an obliging dub melody they, relaxed, make their way into an album whose lightness they keep up in the following eight songs. They leave out everything that can be left out and concentrate on the essentials. Although Wogram has shown often enough that he knows how to implement complex ideas, now he is taking a new path. He lets himself fall into the music, enjoys the moment, and feels comfortable with what he is doing without losing sight of his surroundings. Instead of abstraction, the three musicians focus on emotionality.

Despite all the innovations, the album still bears the unmistakable signature of Nostalgia. But in contrast to the earlier albums of the trio, Wogram no longer poses the question of where we come from, rather does so from the perspective of the present: What is to be preserved from the past? This time, he imagines the present from the perspective of the future. The timeless element on the new CD consists of openly improvising over structures that do not have to be overly complex.

When Wogram founded the trio Nostalgia, the sum of sound and band name was a conscious counterpoint to the trombonist's other projects. He himself, however, is neither nostalgic as a musician nor as a private person, and this also applies to his two companions. All three live in the here and now and want to participate in the further development of music.

Some melodies on Things We Like To Hear simply capture moods, others encourage you to move or hum along, yet others may remind you of a good old film noir. Its goal is to bring intellect and body together. Things We Like To Hear is the next step in this direction.

Photo: Ulla C. Bender

Lucerne or Japan

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