Nils Wogram & Simon Nabatov

Moods & Modes

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2011 / nwog 002


Nils Wogram – Trombone

Simon Nabatov – Piano

Sometimes something quite difficult, once it has been accomplished, gives the impression that it is actually very simple – this is a certain sign that it has succeeded. The duo CD, Moods and Modes of the Nils Wogram/Simon Nabatov duo, trombone and piano, can be considered completely successful in this sense. A great sense of lightness, a poised matter-of-factness dominates in the most difficult terrain. There is a pulsing, constantly changing and never dwindling intensity of interaction, a wonderfully balanced sense of separate and together, and always an emphatic duality.

Photo: Promo

Moods & Modes begins far above, hurries there, then emerges a floor below and finally lands on its feet, where Simon Nabatov waits with his emphatically structured left, a quick tone sequence; piano and trombone get caught in each other melodically in order to have enough time, despite the haste, not to have to wait for each other. But then it takes a little time until things can slow down a bit.

What was difficult about it? In contemporary jazz, there is nothing more difficult than a duo. In a duo one has to do everything oneself, even when that sounds at first like a paradox. The smallest possible group acts like a magnifying glass, which enlarges everything one does and makes it completely unavoidable. As soon as one stop doing everything – indeed, everything that should happen – one leaves the duo partner high and dry, who then also has to do everything himself.

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" ... Trusting each other, these partners indulge in a realm of excess, hurtle themselves on tonal hurricane gusts, or lean back with casual parlando. They use all the registers of sound from their instruments and, in the end, come back to the power of stillness. ... "
- Die Zeit

" ... One thing that the music of trombonist Nils Wogram and pianist Simon Nabatov’s duo on Moods and Modes demonstrates is the extent to which classical and jazz approaches have been merged among many players of this generation ... "
- The New York City Jazz Record

" ... On Moods and Modes the amazing duo proofs that they can always find new lands in improvised
music ... "
- Titel­Magazin

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